I vote for Team Zac
I don't think "wimpy" or "feminine" or "scrawny" is a word you would use to describe Edward Cullen if they had picked Mr. Efron instead of that English dude
I'm a little partial to the blue eyes but they might have the same effect in gold!
Kinda like me a little "Dirty Zac"
Overall, I'd go with the 50's look for Edward. Even though that wouldn't be true to the books, YOWZA!
Ok, ok, enough with the ogling of teenaged boys. But if you haven't seen "17 Again" with Mr. Efron. RENT IT TONIGHT! One of my favorites.
Who would make a WAY better Bella? I'm working on that...
these are ALL VERY BEAUTIFUL! first time i watched 17 Again and watched it three times in a row. LOVE IT!
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